The University of Chicago was originally part of the Combined University of Illinois/University of Chicago Infectious Diseases Fellowship Program before it became its independent program in 2004.
The clinical training at UChicago provides exceptional education in general infectious diseases, infections in immunocompromised patients, HIV infection, travel medicine, and hospital epidemiology & infection control. The clinical experiences occur in during rotations between two unique inpatient consult services: General Infectious Diseases (Gen ID) and Immunocompromised Host (ICH). These inpatient experiences are complemented by the fellows’ longitudinal outpatient clinic with including the care of complex infections as well as care for people living with HIV as part of a dynamic, interdisciplinary team.
All fellows complete 12 months of required clinical rotations as required of all ID training programs. Non-clinical time during fellowship is then individualized based on the goals of the trainee. Our program is designed to offer not only outstanding clinical training but exception opportunities in a variety of clinical and laboratory research.
While we are a 2-year ACGME accredited infectious diseases fellowship training program, we recognize that some fellows seek an additional year of advanced clinical or research training to broaden their careers. Thus we offer a variety of additional training tracks which are all internally funded.
- Combined Adult/Pediatric Infectious Diseases Fellowship
- HIV & HIV-Related Health Disparities Track
- Transplant Infectious Diseases (Tx-ID) Track
- Hospital Epidemiology & Infection Control Track
- Antimicrobial Stewardship Track
- Global Health Track